When is life worth saving?  How far would you go to save the life of someone you had never met? Think hard on this – have you ever stood up to a bully? 

andre knight
3/29/2012 04:02:34 am

You should always value and save life. I would die for somebody that i love. and that comes from the heart. Even if i dont know who somebody is i would even then try to help them. I have even stood up to a bully. He was hitting girls and i tried to defend their honor and i got in a fight. so i would do everything to help somebody who is dying

Eddie Bickett
3/29/2012 04:06:42 am

Life is always worth saving. When the person whose life is in danger is weak, helpless, or innocent; it is even more important to protect and save their lives. There is no limit to how far you should go to save others, you should always try your hardest to protect anyone. I have stood up to a bully before, I stopped him from beating up another.

Dean W
3/29/2012 04:11:34 am

Saving ones life is always worth it. When the person being hurt is humiliated, sad, and depressed, it is important to do what you can. I do not believe there is a limit to save another. Saving ones life is always worth it. I've stood to a bully once, the kid I helped is now one of my best friends.

Catherine Arnett
4/3/2012 01:25:00 am

Life is worth saving when it is endangered. No matter how big or small, the person who you stood up to will be grateful. Who knows how much the situation could be escaladed to. The bullied could become depressed and feel as if they're worth nothing. If someone I had never met were being being bullied, I'd probably think long and hard before I acted.

Hunter M
4/5/2012 01:09:03 am

I think I would go pretty far in saving a life, if it was in my power. I don't think however, if I lost my life in the process, I would save someone else.

Delaney F.
4/5/2012 01:13:19 am

You should always save lives whenever you can. If i had never met somebody and they needed me to save their life i would probably save their life. I have stood up to a bully. I think that no matter what you should always stand up to a bully especially when they are going to take somebody's life.

Tori S
4/5/2012 01:20:54 am

I would go to great lengths to preserve someone else's life. If I was ever put in the situation to give my life so another can live I hope that I would be strong enough to do so. I have stood up to a bully before and it was a really hard thing to do, especialy because I thought the person that was the bully was my friend. At first I didn't see that, that person was a bully, I thought that, that person was actually nice and wanted to be my friends. When the person started to be a bully to me, that was when I reconized that the person wasn't so nice. It went on for a while until I told the person to stop and stood up for myself. After this, I think, the bully relized that he/she was really hurting other people, and that they couldn't get away with it. I hope that I could stand up for myself and others if the situation ever arose.

Brandon Roberts
4/5/2012 01:31:11 am

I would save someones life no matter if I knew them or not. If I had the oppurtunity to save the life of a person and I wouln't, I would regret it and feel guilty. And I would start thinking if I was the person dying would they have saved me? I have stood up to a bully before and I stopped him from doing more of what he did to everyone else.

Gracie Cook
4/12/2012 01:20:18 am

A life is always worth saving. I would try to save the life of someone I didn't know, because it would be the right thing to do. It wouldn't be fair or right to just stand there while someone is dying. I have stood up to a bully before, and although it didn't do much, they eventually stopped.

Mike N
4/13/2012 01:11:20 am

I would try to save someone else's life, but maybe not at the extent of putting my own in jeopardy. I would risk my life more if it was someone I knew, but not as much for a stranger.
I haven't really had a chance to stand up to a bully because nobody ever tries to bully me.

Andrea S
4/13/2012 04:00:49 am

LIfe is valuable period. Any life, young or old, is worth saving. I would most likely go out of my way to help someone, if their life was in danger. I hope that if this situation ever arises in my life, that I have to courage to do so. I would give my life for someone I know and love, though.

Glen J
4/26/2012 04:20:38 am

I think life is worth saving when good will come out of it and if more than one person will be saved by your actions. I would most likely do nothing to save the life of a person I have never met because I would not want to risk my life to try and save a person I have never even seen before. I don't think I have ever stood up to a bully before.

Ryan Bloesser
4/26/2012 11:31:00 am

When is life worth saving? Always. Any life young,old ,or unborn is always worth saving. If I was faced with a choice of saving my life or someone elses i would hope I would make the right decision. Have I ever stood up to a bully? No, because i have never recognized anything as bullying and i hope i can start recognizeing if before i get to highschool.

Thomas P
4/26/2012 12:50:10 pm

Saving a life is always worth it, because you're not just saving their life, you are saving the lives of every one of their descendants. That can be, literally, thousands of people. However, as much as I believe you should do whatever it takes to save a life, I do not think that I, personally, could die to save a stranger, or even someone else that I know and love dearly. I am afraid that I am not brave enough to do it. I am currently in the process of standing up to a bully, however I haven't yet stopped him/her. So I might be able to save someone else at the price of my own life, but sadly, I doubt it.

Alex H
4/28/2012 03:25:04 am

I agree that life is always worth saving. I would try my best to save life wherever I can, even if it costs me my own. I have stood up to bullies before, but have had little success.

Lyra D
4/29/2012 09:10:14 am

Any life is worth saving no matter who the person is: born & unborn, old & young, friends & enemies, etc. everyone's life is precious. I would go as far as I could to save someone's life if I could. It doesn't matter if i know them or not, but i would be more willing to if i knew the person well, especially if they were in my family. I have stood up to a bully before, but it didn't work at first, i kept on having to stand up for my self, and eventually the bully stopped.

Daylan Esquivel
5/3/2012 04:27:21 am

I would go very far in saving ones life due to others helping me out before when i was in need. From this my reward would be seeing someone being grateful and doing the same for others.

Paige F
5/8/2012 06:40:30 am

A life is always worth saving even if you do not know the person; they are still a human being and deserve to be treated like one. if someone is being humiliated for know reason often like the Jews and how they were treated. You should do everything in your power to do whatever you can to save that person's life because every person counts. if you try very hard and it doesn't work our at least you tried your best and don't have to life with the guilt of not helping when someone was in trouble.

Molly M.
5/9/2012 05:51:53 am

Yes, any life is worth saving. The gift of life is more precious than all of the jewels in the world. Without it, no one could exist. Life is not to be taken advantage of; you must always think of it as an unreplaceable treasure. When someone is killed, you do not only kill that man/woman. That person had a mother, father, and other family members. They may have been married, or had a child, or even been a sibling. They may have had friends who loved them dearly. When you kill someone, you also hurt many others. But, if you save someone, you will save not just that person, but others. That mother and father still have a child, a spouse his/her mate, a child his/her parent, and a friend his/her companion. If given the chance, I would save a life. If this meant standing up to a bully, so be it. I have stood up to a bully before, realizing that they shouldn't have power over me and my emotions. Though this didn't save anyone's life, it might for someone else. You can save a life through standing up to a bully, to saying "no" to abortions, even by pushing someone out of the way of a speeding car. Life is precious; you should save it at all costs.

Patrick H.
5/9/2012 06:54:12 am

This is a tough question. If I was put in a situation in which my best friend was being bullied, I would stand up for him. If it was a situation in which a victim was dying, if I truly knew the person I would probably risk my life for that person. If it was a stranger, I would try to stand up for them, but not risk my life for the person. I have yet to stand up to a bully. I have watched a kid get bullied but was too afraid to act on it. I really wish I had.


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