What lessons do you think the Holocaust teaches you specifically?  Elaborate on your ideas.

Brandon Roberts
3/29/2012 04:07:57 am

The Holocaust teaches me that there were millions of people that died. Including women and children. Hitler and the Germans were very cruel to the jews. The Jews were mistreated and everything. They didnt have very much food to eat. But there were several German civilians that stepped up and fought for what was right and they tried to stop it. So they tought me to do what is right and fight for what I think is good.

Mike N
3/29/2012 04:08:04 am

The Holocaust informs me of the evil that can exist in this world. It teaches me to not have prejudice against people because it can lead to bad things, such as the Holocaust.

andre k
4/5/2012 01:13:15 am

bout how much food we eat every day. One meal for us is more than four times the size of what they eat for the whole day. And how wrong it was. It made me feel so sad about how selfish we really are in life.

andre k
4/5/2012 01:14:51 am

it makes me think about* that is the opening sentence srry

Molly M
4/5/2012 01:19:44 am

The Holocaust taught me the true evil of the world.It showed me the horrors Man can commit. 11 million people died. That is so improbable and shocking that most can't even comprehend the crime. But, it also taught me that you can never ignore the persecuted. If the Holocaust had been stopped before it even started, so many would be alive today. When the Nazis killed the Jews and other victims, they didn't just kill the person. They killed their legacy. That is the worst crime one can commit. It taught me that Man can annihilate a whole race of people. But, one can make the choice to do good instead of evil. We all have the potential to be a mass-murderer. But, we also have the ability to be a saint. Its the choices you make that define who you are. The Holocaust was an awful tragedy that should never be forgotten. But, we can all fight for a better world than the one that let the Holocaust exist.

Daylan Esquivel
4/12/2012 03:57:00 am

The holocaust teaches me that anyone has the power to unleash true evil. Hitler came through influence from his speeches to others. From this I see that true power can happen to anyone for the use of evil.

Gracie Cook
4/13/2012 01:05:17 am

The Holocaust teaches me how cruel people can be. That all it takes is one person to promise great things for their country, but it will kill millions of others. That the Germans placed the Jews and the others in the worst living conditions, made them work, and killed them. Although many of the German's were on Hitler's side, there were German's who felt bad and sorry for the Jews, and tried to save them. This taught me that there were good people in the world, even during something so horrible was happening.

Lyra Durr
4/13/2012 01:15:02 am

World War 2 has taught me many things, one thing that it taught me is that there is predudice out there and evil, and if you don't try to stop it, things can get worse. It's a lot like bullying because Germany was one of the "bullies" in the war. Hitler, their leader, had 11 million people killed who were not the "perfect human". Many countries didn't do or try to stop Germany, so they were bystanders. But some countries did try/stop the Nazi Germany, and fought against them, like Brittain. They are the upstanders.
World war 2 also taught me not to judge others by their apperance, religion, beliefs, etc. Hitler thought the Jews were dirty almost not humans, and said they didnt belong. He tried to "get rid of" all the races that interfered with his version of a "master race" (blond hair, blue-eyed, tall people, mostly). If he treated all races, types of people equally, there wouldn't have been the holocaust which killed 11, million people. I learned how countries can work together for one cause. The Allied Group during WW2 fought against Nazi Germany, and the other groups. If USA had abandoned Brittain, once France had to surrender, then Germany might have won the war.

Eddie Bickett
4/13/2012 01:31:35 am

The Holocaust taught me that anyone can follow madness if it can help them. Hitler was insane, and spread his insanity to all of Germany. Normal people would never follow a madman or kill ll million people, but the germans were in the middle of a depression, their countries honor was stained, and most were just sick of it. So, in their desperation, they turned to a "Strong man" who could "fix" all their problems. So Hitler used their desperation, to implement his madness throughout Germany, and cause a global atrocity.

4/13/2012 04:05:02 am

The Holocaust teaches me that there were many people in the world that didn't get a choice in life. They were killed for no logical reason. I am lucky and our government is sane and doesn't go around killing people daily just for the fun of it. I honestly think that it was completely unnecessaryto kill people just because of their race or sexuality. We are just lucky enough that we get a say in life now. It has also taught me that having a "Master Race" is completely unnecessary if that means going around and killing people, like Jews, Polish, Gypsies, or Jehovah Witnesses. I think that if people just tried to get along that everything could come together eventually.

Hunter M
4/13/2012 04:29:18 am

I think that the Holocaust teaches me several diverse teachings that reach me specifically. One such lesson is that creating an empire in that way will only bring unhappiness, as HItler couldn't have been happy when he killed himself. I also learned that if your going to die make your final hours mean something, like the rebels at the Warsaw Ghetto. Anne Frank taught me that everyone's life is important, even if you don't know who they are, and that you can forgive someone who has hurt you deeply. Holocaust also shows me that everyone is capable of good deeds, just as everyone is capable of good deeds. I also learned that making a criminal the head of a nation is never a good idea. Everyone gets something unique out of the holocaust, and this is what I got out of it.

Paige F
4/23/2012 12:01:48 pm

I think the Holocaust teaches me about how blessed we to have the things that we have that some of the less fortunate kids do not have. One example is that we go to a Catholic school and some kids don't get this experience. Every day we have our own clothes with shoes that fit us and things we need to survive and at night we go home and have food on the table and a bed to sleep on. Many children in the Holocaust many did not have food or water when ever they pleased and had to wear someone else’s clothing and shoes and usually did not have a bed to sleep on by themselves and probably often had to share. The Holocaust is a great example of thing things we take for granted.

Alex H
4/28/2012 04:02:43 am

The Holocaust teaches me what can happen when tyrrany reigns unopposed. It shows what can happen when a person gains absolute power, and then abuses it when no one who is willing to stop him is left. It shows me what can happen if we allow one person to control our fate. But it had good results too. It united the world against one who seeked total control. It brought together people from all nationalities and colors and had them work together to make the world a better place.

Glen J
4/30/2012 10:40:37 am

The Holocaust has taught me about treating others the way I want to be treated. It has also taught me to stand up for injustice in the world like when Hitler came into power no one stood up to him to tell him that it is wrong. It taught me to think about what others would think about what I do. It taught me to be responsible about the choices I make and to think about my rights because they may be taken away at any moment so I need to be happy for what I have before it is gone forever.

Thomas P
4/30/2012 11:15:23 am

We learn many things from the Holocaust. I personally have learned how one person can change thee source of history, or better or for worse. I also learned how lucky I am that I have the rights and freedom's that I enjoy here in America. I learned that good can prevail even in the face of evil, as the people who resisted the Nazis did. Finally, I learned that if rights aren't respected, it leads only to evil. The true lesson of the holocaust is everyone is the same, and thus deserves the same; respect, dignity, and most of all, life.

Tori S
5/9/2012 05:48:51 am

I have learned a lot from studying the holocaust. After studying the holocaust I have seen how blessed I truly am. I see that I have freedoms that others don't have, and that I shouldn't take them for granted. I see that I have all the things I need that others in that time period were deprived of. I also see that if something bad is happening and you don't stop it before it escalades very bad things can happen, and innocent people can get hurt. From looking at what happened I can see that what I have, I take for granted. I take my family, friends, and education for granted, when in the holocaust most were deprived of these things. I also see what could happen when someone lets a bully get out of control, and when no one stands up. I have learned that when I see that something is wrong I need to stand up before it gets out of control.

Patrick H.
5/9/2012 07:09:27 am

The Holocaust teaches me that anyone can blame someone for their problems and get a whole country to believe them. The Holocaust showed the world that we cannot judge someone by their race, gender, or religion. It also makes me feel grateful of all my basic materials I take for granted that they did not have in the concentration camps. In all, the Holocaust showed the world that everyone is different and we don't all have to be the same.

Andrea S
5/9/2012 10:00:13 pm

The Holocaust taught me that anyone can believe something that is not true. Hitler told his people he was going to help their country, while in reality it was mass murder to an innocent religion and others that were just not liked. The Holocaust has also taught me not to blame others for something I did to myself. This is just wrong because you could be getting someone very innocent into big trouble. Most people don't like to be blamed for something they didn't do. The last thing that the Holocaust has taught me is to stick up for others. No matter what is being done to them, small or big, help them. Help goes a long way, especially when you dig someone out of a deep problem.

Dean W
5/10/2012 05:49:44 am

The Holocaust, it did not teach me any that affected my life personaly. it was just a horrible experience that ended with happyness

Daylan Esquivel
5/10/2012 07:07:07 am

The holocaust taught me that one man who has a will can do anything and can unleash true hell like Hitler did to the Jews.


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