“You are not defined by what happens to you but by what you choose to do about it.”  Explain if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Dean W
3/29/2012 04:04:48 am

I disagree, and agree with this statement because, for example, a kid is bullied in school. He is a victim because he is getting bullied, you cant really do anything to change that unless you count what he does afterward. But if you are the one bullying you are defined mean because you choose to bully others.

Daylan E.
3/29/2012 04:05:48 am

I agree, If someone sits back and does nothing while a event is occuring they will be defined as lazy. You are defined as a person from the actions you do as a individual. If you take a herioc action and save people you will be noticed and be known as herioc figure of society.

Tori S.
3/29/2012 04:07:00 am

I agree with this statement because people are put in so many different situations, and they react differently. Some may break under the pressure, while others will become stronger and carry on. Most people think their lives are definded by what happens to them, but it how they handle the situation. They could become brave and courageous, and carry that trough their life. You can become a better person no by what happens, but by how you react to your problems.

Hunter M
3/29/2012 04:07:21 am

I agree with only half of this statement. I think that we are defined by what happens to us, but even more so what we do with it. If I lost a leg, It would become part of who I am, but if I decided I would find a way to walk again despite that, I think it would define me more.

Lyra D
4/5/2012 01:17:37 am

I agree with the statement. What happens to you does partly define who you are, but what you choose to do with it defines you more completly.For example, Bethany Hamilton, a surfer, lost her arm from a shark bite/attack. She didn't let the missing arm define her of who she is. She learned to surf again, but with one arm. She is defined as a profesional surfer, not a girl with one arm. She has overcome this tragedy and has become a better person mentally, because she appreciates what she has and will not take things for granted, and she is just as good as a surfer, if not, better than before the incident.

Eddie Bickett
4/5/2012 01:24:02 am

I agree with this statement. Bad stuff happens to people all over the world, you cannot help that. But you can to something about it. If you lay back and let it happen it will just keep getting worse. If you do something about the situation, it will, at the least, change.
Maybe for the better or maybe for the worst. You don't know until you try.

andre k
4/5/2012 01:28:48 am

I agree with this statement because only you can have your own choice. Your choice is about you and your personality.

Molly M.
4/5/2012 01:30:28 am

I agree with this statement. The Holocaust showed us that Man has the ability to murder millions or save millions. It is the choice you make that defines who you are. Anyone can destroy; anyone can rebuild. If one is passionate, they may go to the ends of the world to fufill that passion. Hitler's passion was to exterminate all those considered "dirty". He considered the Aryan race pure. He considered the Jews dirty. Therefore, he saw no reason not to annihilate the Jews. Hitler chose to become a mass-murderer. But, many were passionate to stop Hitler's rampage. They would rescue those in ghettos, help those in concentration camps, and plot against Hitler. Their passion partly defined them; Their choices represented their passion.

Mike N
4/11/2012 03:50:40 am

I do agree with this statement. I agree because you cannnot control what happens to you, just how you cope with it. You will not be judged by what happens to you, just on your reactions and choices.

Catherine A
4/11/2012 03:55:04 am

Situations will arise in your life that you must act upon. Whether a good situation or bad, the response to whatever you are in is what defines you. Anything can come up in your life, and you have to decide what to do about it. You may not want someting to happen to you, but your actions toward the event you are placed in truly says everything about your character.

Catherine A
4/11/2012 03:56:49 am

I agree since situations come and go, but your character does not. Who you are and what you choose to do about things in life defines who you are. Not what situation you are in, since the situation itself doesn't tell anybody anything about you.

Gracie Cook
4/12/2012 01:14:59 am

I agree with this statement because what you choose to do about the stituation is what you are defined by. Whether you choose to do nothing, or you choose to do something about the problem, that is what makes you who you are.

Brandon R
4/12/2012 01:17:04 am

I agree with this statement. If someone is bullying you, you can't help that you are getting bullied. But if you do something about it that is what really defines you. Not what the bully says or does to you. You are who you are, not what the bullies think of you.

Thomas P
4/13/2012 01:22:21 am

I believe that this statement is very true. If, per say, you have an arithmetic test tomorow, but your friend is throwing a party tonight. This is the situation. There are many different choices from this point on, but right now I shall only focus on the two main ones.

A. You choose to go to the party and stay till three in the morning. The next day you fail the test. Your parents ground you for a month, and you miss the next party.

B. You decide to skip the party and study. you spend three hours studing and doing the bonus. Then, you play games or read untill bed. The next day, you recieve a 105 on your test. You are then able to go to the next party, which is on a weekend and doesen't interfere with your studing.

And now, a metaphor. If you stir mud, you get an extremely foul stench. If you stir perfume, you get a wonderful scent. The stirring motion is the same, it is what is inside that makes the difference.

Ryan B.
4/13/2012 03:49:10 am

I agree witht this statement, because if your father was abusive and you were a shy insecure child and don't tell anyone then you are allowing it to happen and people will always think less of you. If you do tell someone and stand up for you self you are taking action and trying to stop it so people will always know you stand up for the right thing.

Glen J
4/20/2012 01:21:27 am

I agree with this statement because nobody would remember what happened to you but what you did in your life. For example, Rick Rescorla was boss of the World Trade Centers but when the planes crashed into them he rescued as many people as he could from the buildings. He is remembered by that. He is not remembered by his mistakes he made when he was younger.

Delaney F
4/20/2012 04:10:51 am

This quote means that if you choose to do the wrong thing you are going to be defined by that action and other actions that you committed. I disagree with this statement because people can change during their life. Somebody might consider the girl that you will know to end up in prison have a terrible life, but when they get to their 20's they will have a clean record and be married and was a cheerleader in college. To be able to let somebody be that way, other people have to let go of the idea of the person that they used to be.

Alex H
4/28/2012 03:28:26 am

I strongly agree with this. The thing that defines a person is not what happens to them but what they do. Bad things can happen to good people just as easily as good things, and vise versa. A good person is a good person because they react to situations in good and proper ways, and the same is true for bad people.

Paige F
5/8/2012 06:35:38 am

I agree with this statement because if you are given a problem and you choose to solve it quickly and efficiently you will be known to help and to be trusted and other people will look up to you. But if you choose to not do your task you are setting a bad example and you do not look like a very good person that knows how to deal with things and is not a good problem solver to fix the problem you were given.

Patrick H.
5/9/2012 06:50:44 am

I believe that the statement is wrong and right. If, for example you are a bully to a kid, then you are defined as a bad person and people won't want to be your friend. If you have a friend being bullied, and you stand up to him, then you will be defined as a brave person and people will respect you for that. I cannot really relate to this because I have not been bullied, but I have seen someone get bullied and just sat there and watched. I wish I could have done something about it.


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