If you haven’t made small sacrifices for others, how can you expect to make big ones?  Why is sacrifice an important part of life?  

Catherine A
3/29/2012 04:07:07 am

In extreme times, people go to desperate measures to save themselves, and unselfish people: others. You could be a bystanders sometimes and not make the small sacrifices you should make, but if something important comes up, your heart would tell you what to do and you just act. In the end you make the big sacrifice, even if you don't realize it. I don't have an example of a time that would happen or an example of it happening to me, but it can be applied to others situations

Catherine A
3/29/2012 04:10:27 am

Oh yeah, and sacrifices are important because they make you appreciate what you do have and realize what you often don't have, and how you can do without and use more of what you do have.

andre knight
3/29/2012 04:10:52 am

Just dont think of the consequences when sacrificing for others. Stand up to a bully, make friends with a nerd. just help people and dont really think about what you are doing: only think about how you are making friends and how happy ur making that friend feel.

Eddie Bickett
4/5/2012 01:15:09 am

Sacrafice is a important part of life. You cannot have everything you want, you will have to give up something. Sacrafice is also like the ultimate gift, just look at Jesus. He sacraficed his life for us, out of love. Every day we have to make sacrafices for others, out of love.

Hunter M
4/5/2012 01:21:10 am

You can make big sacrifices for people even if you haven't made little sacrifices first, but with the way your acting now, you most likely won't. Sacrifices are important because without them, you won't get to enjoy the finer parts of life such as friendship, and understanding.

Mike N
4/11/2012 03:53:59 am

Sacrifice is such an important part of life because it defines us as individuals. We are defined by how much we sacrifice for others and that shows how compassionate we are.

Brandon R
4/12/2012 01:28:58 am

Sacrafice is a very important part of our lives. It can show who we really are and what we are about. We should make sacrafices every day for others in order to serve Jesus. He died on the cross for us so the least we can do is do sacrifices each day for others.

Ryan B.
4/13/2012 01:14:54 am

If you haven't made any small sacrifices for anyone then you won't make large sacrifices. You must start by making small sacrifices for people you care about and eventually you would be able to make a large sacrifice. Sacrifices are very important in life because it shows that you can be a kind and unselfish person which is constantly overlooked in todays society.

Gracie Cook
4/13/2012 01:30:16 am

Although it might help, you can still make big sacrifices without making little ones first. Sacrificing things for others will always be a part of our lives, we will always have to...

Gracie Cook
4/13/2012 04:07:42 am

Continuation of the first-scrifice for others. Sacrificing is important in life because it will show how much you sacrifice for others, which shows that you are unselfish. It is always important to care for others and to sacrifice for them.

Delaney F
4/23/2012 04:28:33 am

Why is sacrifice an important part of life?

A small sacrifice is much easier to make than a large sacrifice. A small sacrifice might be giving up a stuffed animal from your past for a charity. A large sacrifce would be giving up your parents in the Holocuast. I would rather make a small sacrifice any day rather than a large one. If I had never made a small sacrifice before I would have a very hard time of making a large sacrifce. If I had never taken the time to give up a stuffed animal I could never let my parents go. Sacrifices are an important part of life because if we never made any we would think that everything was perfect but yet we would still want more. If you never make a sacrifice you would have an empty part in your heart that will never be filled unless you make a sacrifice. Anything can be a sacrifice in life, whether it is the smallest thing or the biggest thing, God thinks it is perfect.

Alex H
4/28/2012 03:50:48 am

Sacrifice is a very important part of life. If we never gave anything up, be it willingly or not, we would not be able to truly help others. For example, if you were to sacrifice just one dollar to a charity, you could prevent a person from starving. Without sacrifice, helping others would be impossible.

Dean W
4/29/2012 11:47:32 pm

With out sacrifice, many would die, and many would be harmed. Sacrifice is made every day, and is a part of human life, for example, if u give money to the church, you would help someone else with that donation. You make sacrifices to help others

Glen J
4/30/2012 09:08:59 am

Small sacrifices are things like letting our dad watch TV after a hard day of work even though we want to keep watching or letting our brother or sister eat the last bowl of cereal knowing that we won't get anything to eat that morning. If we can't make small sacrifices we can't make bigger ones like a dad sending his kid off to summer camp even though he saved that money for a party or entering a video game world championship knowing that a family reunion is on the same day. We can't make big sacrifices unless we have experience with smaller sacrifices. Sacrifice is an important part of life because we will be faced with sacrifices.

Molly M.
5/9/2012 12:52:24 pm

Big sacrifices are often made up of small sacrifices. Often, people do not make one major sacrifice, they make multiple small ones. A small sacrifice can even lead up to a bigger one. For example, Jesus made many small sacrifices before his crucifixion. He took the hatred, the teasing, and the punishments that came with proclaiming God's Word. Many times He was driven out of villages due to his teachings. These small sacrifices were crucial in Jesus's existence; the sacrifices showed the disciples that spreading the Word doesn't come without a price. Eventually,Jesus made the biggest sacrifice of them all: the Crucifixion. Jesus wanted to make sure that when He left the Earth, his teachings wouldn't be forgotten. When people remembered His sacrifices, they made their own. These small sacrifices went to a greater cause: the spreading of Christianity. Small sacrifices prepare you for the bigger ones you will have to make in the future. They are important for those minor sacrifices humble you and open your eyes to your own abilities. You can change the world, one small sacrifice at a time.

Andrea S
5/9/2012 09:38:17 pm

If you don't make sacrifices for people you shouldn't really expect one in return. That's mainly just being selfish instead of being selfless. Sacrifices are important because it shows people that you care enough to be there for them and not just leave them hanging around. Jesus is probably the biggest example of sacrifice out there. He gave his life to save us from sin, which show that he really cares about us and our welfare.

Daylan Esquivel
5/10/2012 07:15:32 am

Sacrificing is everything in life. Without scraficing you will be selfish and unwilling to do anything for others.


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